Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Directory of Ezines Review - What You Need to Know

This is a short Directory of Ezines review where I'll give you a quick explanation of what it is and the pros and cons of the service.

The Directory of Ezines is a service which lists ezines for a variety of niches. It also categorizes them by niche or audience. So whatever niche you're into, you can probably find an ezine or several that have subscribers.

Charlie Page, the owner, does a great job selecting the ezines he includes on his membership site. He lists only the best ones.

The Directory of Ezines not only lists and categorizes a bunch of ezines, it is also a huge help for marketers who aren't that familiar with ezine advertising. There's an almost overwhelming number of helpful videos and articles, teaching its members how to successfully market with ezines.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Email Campaigns That Really Profit

If you set up your email campaigns correctly, you should be able to bring in $1000 per month with a list of 1000 subscribers.

Yes, this is possible, but you need to set up your campaign correctly. Here's a quick rundown of how to set it up for maximum profit:

  • Your message sequence needs to be at least 5 to 7 messages long. One followup email never sold anything! Make you email campaigns several days long with messages sent out every day.
  • You need to offer a valuable bonus on about the second message. Make sure the bonus is truly something of value. Give your bonus a name. It can even be something silly, but naming it will connect it more solidly in your prospects minds. The bonus could be a free PDF report, a video or audio with good solid content.
  • Limit your bonus. Explain that you're only giving away x amount of these bonuses. This will create fear of loss - a good motivator.
  • Your email campaigns should have a definite end. Tell your audience that your offer and the bonus offer will end on such and such day. Keep reminding them of "the deadline".
Some other ways to improve the profitability of your email campaigns is to present a problem your audience might be experiencing and offer the solution (through your product).

Another thing that helps is to engage your reader by creating a storyline and refer to it all through the sequence. People love stories and will relate better to your offer if you use one.

Use the ideas above to make your own email campaigns more profitable. And keep adding to your list!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ezine Advertising - A Great List Building Tool!

Some smart marketers have been using ezine advertising as a means of building a list quickly and easily.

Most ezines have up to four types of ads which marketers can use. There are banner ads, sponsor ads, classified ads, and solo ads.

The way you build your list with this method, is you place an ad which needs to lure the reader to a squeeze page. On that squeeze page, the visitor is offered a free video or PDF e-book or report in exchange for giving you their email address.

Solo ads seem to be the most effective ads for list building. For more information on using solo ads to build a list, check out this post at: